Resepi kali ini adalah ayam masak merah aroma wangi dan melaparkan!

ayam butter salted egg

My favourite recepi!


Tertukar URL kemudian website rosak? Jangan panik. Saya ada penyelesaiannya.


Dalam artikel kali ini saya akan kongsikan bagaimana saya withdraw RM4,025 dari Binance ke akaun Maybank

uTorrent made easy!

Tutorial ringkas dan mudah menggunakan uTorrent untuk muat-turun file kegemaran anda.

Showing posts with label Komputer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Komputer. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 November 2021



Relax. Pertama sekali adalah bertenang. Masalah utama di sini adalah apabila anda menukar alamat URL wordpress anda kepada alamat yang lain kemudian website tersebut tidak dapat diakses lagi. Bila dah tak dapat akses, nak tukar semula ke alamat asal pun tak dapat. Macamana nak ubah, nak buka dashboard pun tak dapat. Huh, panik dibuatnya.

Jangan risau. Dalam artikel ini saya akan kongsikan bagaimana untuk selesaikan semula masalah tersebut.

Tutorial baiki masalah URL Wordpress yang tersalah-ubah.

Di atas adalah alamat asal URL yang mungkin anda sudah terubah atau sengaja nak ubah mungkin sebab nak buat experimen dan sebagainya.

Alamat di atas sebenarnya mestilah sama dengan alamat asal domain anda. Jika alamat URL berbeza, anda tidak akan dapat lagi akses website anda untuk perbetulkan keadaan.

Oklah, kita pergi kepada solution tersebut.

Sila ke Cpanel hosting anda. lebih kurang macam ni, www.contoh.my/cpanel, login masuk ke cpanel anda.

Sila ke FILE MANAGER anda. Tujuan ini adalah untuk kenalpasti nama database wordpress anda. Jika anda hanya ada satu sahaja website maka anda bolehlah skip cara ini. TAPI, jika ada lebih dari satu domain atau ada banyak sub-domain di bawah domain utama anda, jadi anda perlu cari nama database wordpress tersebut dahulu.

Sila cari public html seperti dalam gambar di bawah;

Klik logo biru tu dan anda akan dibawa ke paparan berikutnya. Sila scroll ke bawah dan cari WP-CONFIG.PHP. Sila tekan button kanan tetikus untuk Edit file ini.

Anda klik Edit dan seterusnya di bawa ke paparan selanjutnya.
Pada halaman seterusnya anda akan ketahui nama database wordpress domain anda.
DB_NAME - Database name - nama database anda yang anda mahu edit/diperbetulkan nanti. Di atas adalah nama database wordpress saya.

Ok sekarang sudah tahu nama DB yang dicari. Seterusnya kita pergi buka phpMyAdmin pula.Sila kembali ke halaman utama Cpanel. Boleh klik logo cpanel di penjuru tepi tu untuk mudah.

Klik atau buka phpMyAdmin.

Melalui cara sebelum ini saya dah tunjukkan nama database wordpress saya iaitu WRDP1. Sila klik bahagian ini untuk expand. Cari yang punyai perkataan _options di belakangnya, kemudian klik.

Sekarang(foto di bawah), anda lihat di bahagian senarai paling atas, itulah bahagian domain yang anda perlu edit atau perbetulkan kepada domain yang asal. Bagi yang sudah ubah domain asal ke domain lain anda boleh lihat URL domain lain tersebut di sini.

Jika domain asal anda http://domain-anda.com atau https://domain-anda.com maka masukkan semula ikut URL domain asal ini untuk menggantikan domain yang diubah itu.

Dua alamat di bawah perlu diubah kepada asal;
  • SiteURL
  • Home

Klik EDIT untuk ubah. Tukarkan domain kepada yang sepatutnya. Selepas itu tekan GO untuk siapkan.

Now masalah sudah selesai.

Website anda sepatutnya sudah kembali ke normal semula.



PS: Sharekan artikel ini kepada yang memerlukan. Semoga Allah merahmati anda selalu. amin!


Monday 9 September 2013

Format Laptop Guna USB @ Pendrive

Dalam post ini , saya  akan tunjukkan cara untuk format laptop menggunakancara USB sebagai bootable device.

(1) Download Win Setup Format USB 1.0 dulu. Software tu macam gambar di bawah.

http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?a6acg8e65i2u3j6   <---download br="">

(2) Pastikan nama pendrive anda dalam kotak atas sekali.

(3) Dalam ruangan ADD TO USB DISK, ada 5 pilihan untuk anda. Klik pada kotak yang anda   
      ingin pilih. Contoh - Sekiranya nak format Windows 7, klik pada kotak kedua.

(4) Disebelah kanan itu adalah button untuk cari dimanakah data2 Windows 7. Kalau nak 
      senang, copy semua data dalam CD dan letak dalam laptop. Prosesnya menyalin akan   
      menjadi lebih cepat.

(5) Akhir sekali, klik butang GO. 

P/S : 
(1) Sebelum format, anda perlu tukar boot options pada laptop anda terlebih dahulu kepada boot from USB. Contohnya laptop jenis Compaq, ketika Startup tekan ESC.
(3) Cara format laptop guna USB @ Pendrive sama saja macam format guna CD.

Download :

***dengan pendrive bersaiz besar, 16GB keatas - kita boleh muatkan semua software yang kite nak install pada PC nanti.

SELAMAT MENCUBA>...thanks to:

Tuesday 20 August 2013

DNS Setting

DNS Logo 
In the computer network term, Domain Name System (DNS) is used to resolve the host name into an IP address. E.g. you open your browser and you want to browse google.com. Once you typed in google.com into you browser, the DNS will start its job. The DNS will send a DNS request to the DNS server, it requests the IP address of the google.com to the DNS server. It was merely like your computer asking the DNS server “Hi DNS server, I need to go to google.com, could you tell me what is the IP address of google.com ?”. Then, the DNS server will reply, “Hi there, the IP address of google.com is” Thus, after your computer knew what is the IP address of google.com, it know where to go.
Normally, the DNS server addresses is automatically provided by the ISP. Thus, the ISP could control some websites that they want to block. They could control which website that you can go into and which website that is restricted. Some of the common blocked websites are porn sites, torrent site, and warez sites. Even though, this feature offers good things. But, sometimes you do not want to be restricted.
One of the trick to be unrestricted is by simply use another DNS server. There are a lot of parties that offering the DNS services, such as OpenDNS and Google. Some of those providers will charge you for the services. While, if you want to use a reliable and free DNS service, Google OpenDNS really will do. If you would like to know further about Google OpenDNS, you should check their official site here.
Advantages of using Google OpenDNS are:-
  1. Totally FREE.
  2. Speed up your browsing experience.
  3. Improve security by preventing several attacks such as Denial-of-Service (DOS) attacks and DNS cache poisoning.
  4. Gain access to the websites that is blocked by your ISP.
FYI, Google OpenDNS addresses are and
If you want to use Google OpenDNS you could either set it up on your computer’s network configuration or on your router directly. If you just set it up on your computer, that means only your computer alone that will gain the advantages of using the Google OpenDNS. While, if you set it up on your router’s configuration, every single computer that is connected to the router will also gain the advantage of using Google OpenDNS. Thus, if you have hundreds of computer that is connected to the router, all computer will automatically use the Google OpenDNS as their DNS server, but it only applicable if the DHCP is enabled.
In this post, I will specifically talk about how to configure the Google OpenDNS on the Innacomm W3400V routers.
Step 1
  • Ensure that you were connected to the router.
  • Open a web browser and go to the router’s management console, the default address is Innacomm Login Page
  • Log in to the router’s management console by using tmadmin credentials.
Step 2
  • Go to Advanced Setup > DNS > DNS Server.
  • Tick on the Use the following Static DNS IP address.
  • Fill in the Google OpenDNS address on the Primary and Secondary DNS server fields.
  • Then click Save/Apply.
Innacomm W3400V OpenDNS

How to Configure Port Forwarding on Innacomm W3400V ?

Innacomm W3400V
Port forwarding enables users or certain applications to gain access to a computer or a server on a specific ports. For example, you have a web server which is served the web application on port 8080 and then you want other people to be able to access your web, but only from web browser, that means other people can just open their web browser, type-in the URL address i.e. http://www.myweb.com, without specifying the port details.
To configure port forwarding on Innacomm W3400V:-
1. Ensure that you were connected to the router.
2. Open a web browser and go to
Innacomm Login Page
3. Log in to the router management by using tmadmin credentials.
4. Click Advanced Setup > NAT > Virtual Servers on the left-hand side menus.
NAT - Virtual Servers
5. Once the NAT – Virtual Servers Setup page is loaded, click Add.
6. Tick the Custom Service, specify the name for this configuration e.g. My_Web_Server.
Add new entry
7. On the Server IP Address field, you need to specify the targeted computer’s or server’s IP address e.g. So, you should configure you computer or server with a static IP address instead of using DHCP IP address.
8. On the External Port Start field, you have to specify the port number that you want to be accessible from outside network e.g. port 80.
9. If you want to have multiple accessible ports from outside network, you have to specify the end range of the port on the External Port End field. E.g. you want to have accessible port from 80 – 90, then you need to type-in 90 on the external port end field. On the other hand, if you just want to have one specific accessible port, you just need to type-in the same number as the number on the External Port Start field e.g. 80.
10. Specify the protocol on the Protocol drill-down, you can choose between TCP,UCP,or both TCP / UDP.
11. Specify the destination port (the port on your computer that runs for that particular service) on the Internal Port Start e.g. 8080.
12. Similar with the  External Port Start, if you have a range of internal ports, you have to specify the last port in the range on the Internal Port End field e.g. 8090. But, if you only have one external port, this field will be disabled automatically.
13. Once you have done, click Apply / Save.
14. Your new entry will be listed on the NAT – Virtual Servers list.
NAT Lists

How to Change Innacomm W3400V User’s Password ?

Innacomm W3400V
To change Innacomm W3400V user’s password:-
1. Connect your computer with Innacom W3400V router, either through LAN cable or Wireless connection. I suggested you connect through LAN cable, since the connection is more stable.
2. Open a web browser, e.g. Chrome or Mozilla.
3. Type in on the address bar.
4. Log in to the router’s management console by using tmadmin credentials. Username is tmadmin and the password is tmadmin.
Router Login Page
5. Once, you been logged in, click Management on the left-hand side menu, then click Access Control and then Passwords.
Change Router's Passwords
6. An Access Control – Password management page will be opened. On the page, select which user’s password that you want to change by selecting on the drill-menu on the Username field.
7. Type-in the current user’s password on the Old Passwords.
8.Specify the new password on New Password and Confirm Password fields. For the password, ensure that the password do not contain any special characters, such as ~!@#$%^&*(). Even, the system accept those characters for your new password, but the log in page will reject those characters. Thus, you will not able to log in to the router any more. In case this happened, please proceed to this post, How to Change Innacomm W3400V User’s Password through SSH ?, to reset back your password without even resetting the router’s configuration.
9. Click Save / Apply, then you will be automatically logged out from the page and will be directed to the log in page.
10. Try to log in with the new user’s credential.

What is Innacomm W3400V Default Usernames and Passwords?

Innacomm W3400V
Innacomm W3400V is a free wireless modem router given by TM for the Streamyx subscriber.
Basically, there are three users inside the router, which are tmadmin, tmuser, and support. So far, I have not found out the password for support. Thus, usernames and passwords for Innacomm W3400V are:-
1. tmadmin, password: tmadmin.
2. tmuser, password: tmuser.
You can use those credentials to log in to the router either through web browser or SSH.

How to Change Innacomm W3400V User’s Password Through SSH?

FYI, Innacomm W3400V is a free ADSL Modem + WiFi Router from Streamyx.
This modem + router have been branded by TM, so it have its own log in page. The funniest thing is the log in page is do some JavaScript to check whether the username and password specified contain any special characters, such as !@#$%^&*. So, that means you cannot use any special character on your password. But, if you try open the configuration page and change your password using special character, it will accept it.
The problem starts here. I have changed the admin user password on my router using special characters. So, every time I tried to log in, it always says the password is wrong, authentication failed, and so on.
So, I tried to find a workaround to change the password back, without go through the log in page.
1. Open PuTTY . PuTTY is a Windows based SSH / Telnet client and it quiet useful, if you do not have it, you can Google it and download it for FREE!.
2. SSH to your router, enter your router IP address, normally it should be

3. Once you connected, it will prompt you for username, just type in the username that you want to change the password e.g. tmadmin
4. Then, it will prompt again for password, enter the password.
5. If you have successfully authenticated, the Main Menu will appear.

6. Type passwd <option> <new_password> e.g. passwd admin password then enter.
7. There are 3 options for passwd command, which are admin, user, and support. Normally the username for admin is tmadmin, for user is tmuser, and I don’t know the username for support.
8. After that save the configuration by type in save and enter.
9. Reboot your router, either reboot it by turn it off and turn it on again or type in reboot.
10. Open your browser and open router’s web config. Log in with new password.
VOILA! You have changed the password!


Thursday 27 June 2013

Layari Web Banking Online Dengan Selamat Dengan Addon DontPhishMe

Banking Online

banking online
Dalam artikel kali ini,saya ingin berkongsi kepada anda satu addon yang anda boleh pasang pada pelayar web firefox ataupun google chrome anda iaitu DontPhishMe.
Apa itu addon DontPhishMe? 
DontPhishMe merupakan satu addon berguna yang dibangunkan oleh MyCERT,addon ini penting bagi mengelakkan anda menjadi mangsa mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab di luar sana untuk mencuri data-data peribadi anda terutamanya laman-laman web bank seperti Maybank2u,Cimb Clicks dan banyak lagi melalui kaedah Phising .
Secara ringkasnya,phising merupakan aktiviti dimana anda akan dibawa ke satu halaman yang paparannya hampir sama dengan Maybank2U ataupun lain-lain namun ia sebenarnya sebuah halaman yang digunakan oleh pengodam untuk mencuri maklumat-maklumat penting anda seperti username dan katalaluan anda.

Bagaimana DontPhishMe ini berfungsi?
Addon ini akan memaparkan notis AMARAN apabila komputer anda sedang melayari laman web online banking phising(seperti dalam gambar di bawah).

Bagaimana cara untuk muat turun addon ini?
Bagi pengguna pelayar web Firefox,sila layari : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/dontphishme/
Bagi pengguna pelayar web Google Chrome,sila layari : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dontphishme/ekhmajimailppllbglbkopdjfenocpnl

Berikut merupakan senarai-senarai online banking yang telah disokong oleh addon ini :
* Maybank2u
* Cimbclicks
* Public Bank
* Bank Rakyat
* Bank Islam
* EON Bank
* AMBank
* Citibank
* Standard Chartered Bank
* Al Rajhi Bank
* Affin Bank
* Hong Leong Bank
* Alliance Bank
* Muamalat
* Kuwait Finance House

Sumber : Blog.CekapKomputer.com

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Jadikan IDM(Internet Download Manager) menjadi FULL VERSION tanpa Crack!

P/S: Artikel ini adalah copy-paste dari website http://www.cyber-meong.net.

Cara ini bisa digunakan untuk IDM versi berapa saja (^_^)

Silahkan download IDM versi terbaru di WEBSITE nya.

Install... kalo ada peringatan fake serial atau disuruh register abaikan dulu / klik cancel.

Lalu perhatikan cara berikut :

1. Hal pertama yg harus kita lakukan adalah mematikan / memutuskan koneksi internet komputer kita.

2. Setelah itu isi registration.
First name, last name, dan email terserah kita. Untuk serial number gunakan (pilih salah satu) :


Lalu klik OK

3. Buka windows explorer, cari file bernama hosts di C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Buka file hosts tersebut dengan notepad.

4. Lalu copas code berikut : tonec.com www.tonec.com registeridm.com www.registeridm.com secure.registeridm.com internetdownloadmanager.com www.internetdownloadmanager.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com www.secure.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com

Letakkan dibawah tulisan localhost

Setelah itu save (Ctrl S).

5. Nyalakan kembali koneksi internet.

Beress... IDM kita sudah full version... tanpa harus menggunakan crack (^_^)

Dipake buat download nggak ada masalah... normal seperti biasa... (^_^)

Selamat mencuba!

Sumber : http://www.cyber-meong.net/2011/02/membuat-idm-jadi-full-version-tanpa.html


Thursday 16 May 2013

Cara mengesan wifi di crack/curi dan cara menghentikannya

Bagi pengguna wifi samada streamyx, p1, wimax dan apa sahaja, ada kemungkinan besar wifi anda di crack/dicuri oleh seseorang yang menyebabkan internet anda perlahan. 
Walau bagaimanapun, sebelum anda berperasangka buruk, apa kata anda cuba dulu kaedah ini untuk memastikan adakah benar wifi anda di curi atau sememangnya talian internet anda perlahan.
Berikut ada 2 perisian percuma yang anda boleh download dan cuba untuk mengesan sekiranya ada cracker yang memasuki wifi anda tanpa izin.
  • Wireless network watcher - Download SINI
  • Netcut - Download SINI 

Monday 24 September 2012

Hati-hati dengan pendrive yang murah

Berhati-hatilah ketika korang membeli pen drive yang murah gila yang ada kalanya sampai tak masuk akal murahnya, sebab..


Sunday 23 September 2012

cara tukar saiz pendrive 2GB kepada 4GB

1. Muaturun file tersebut disini.
2. Kemudian extract dan klik pada Drive Increaser 2.
3. Format pendrive tersebut.
4. Masukkan filename pendrive dan ikut langkah seterusnya.
5. Siap.


Dan sekarang pendrive korang yang saiznya agak kecil akan bertukar ke 4GB. Wah???
Ok silakan mencuba-try-test sendiri...



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